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Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Burp Cloths and Pillow cover
My Sunday school class has 2 upcoming baby showers in the next month so I started a while ago working on a few things but I finally finished up the boppy pillow cover with their last name embroidered on it. I also added ribbon and appliques to two cloth diapers/burp cloths for gifts as well. I made binky ribbon tags a while back as well for part of the present. I will add a few baby items to the gifts and they will be ready to go. Below are pictures of just one of the gifts.
I am back on the sewing wagon and enjoying it again so when asked a few weeks ago if I could make a kilt I said, "Sure, if I had a pattern that was easy to follow and materials." I didn't mind because I had time to work on it while Blake was gone for 2 weeks traveling for work. Plus, I am saving up for baby furniture so it worked out great. They are costumes for the Warrior Run in Tennessee. I had never heard of it but it is a run through obstacles and mud while wearing costumes. I didn't make them with a slit in the front since they are running in them but I put plenty of pleats in the front to give the look of a slit. They asked for a drawstring as well for when it gets wet and there is an elastic waistband.
Working on all four at the same time made it easier. I would get the basic shape of the kilt and sit on the couch watching TV while cutting the ends all the way around and pinning the 1 1/2 inch pleats.
Working on all four at the same time made it easier. I would get the basic shape of the kilt and sit on the couch watching TV while cutting the ends all the way around and pinning the 1 1/2 inch pleats.
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Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Easter 2011
We celebrated Easter on the weekend before and the weekend of Easter. Bailey participated in 6 egg hunts over those two weekends. We saw the Easter bunny, ate some peeps, and enjoyed being with family and friends.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Another BIG Change in Plans
This year was going to be a big year of change for us because Blake was hopefully (finally) going to the pilot board, but as of last week we were told it would not be until November...putting it off 8 months from the original date. But before we knew it was going to be put off that length of time we decided to "give-it-a-go" in the baby making department and we were very successful. I had my first ultrasound yesterday and I am very pleased to say that there is just 1 healthy more than that...I just look like I'm 20 weeks instead of 11. We were planning on putting the house up for sale in July when we found out about his school but now...we just wait. I had plans of not returning to work until we moved to Texas, but now that won't do. Bailey's school is changing up as well so we are looking into other Pre-K programs for next year (just in case...but the way things are going lately...) and a new summer daycare since Blake will not be on orders she can not go on base like we planned. Blake has to find a new job during this waiting process but he can't do that until he finishes 15 more hours out of 40 to complete his pilot hours...which can take over a month to do as...meaning more $$ going out then coming in. It's also hard to apply when he has a 2 week flight scheduled at the end of May, but It's $$ and a trip vacation to Purto Rico so there are no complaints. Since we were planning on moving before or soon after the baby arrived we were not going to do a nursery; now that we are going to be here longer there isn't room for a baby and a craft room/putting green in my house so Blake and I are giving up our shared room to make room for blues and greens?? (We are hoping for a boy!) So yes there is lots of change and my favorite even worse ...lots of waiting but God knows the big picture so I will just keep trusting him. It will work out better than I imagined if I don't mess up God's plans and try to make it mine so in the mean time I will be cleaning out my craft room and selling a few things I don't "need" to pay for baby furniture. It was a lot to take in and I was feeling stressed out about some all of the things, but mostly I was stressed thinking about the baby and would it be like last time and after the great check-up and seeing that he/she is fine I feel so much better and can finally start being excited and just laugh at all the change in plans, because nothing is in my control :)
I took Bailey this past Saturday to get her 4 year old pictures done and these turned out so cute. She has been very helpful now that I can't do everything I used to. Such a sweet girl.
Disney World Outfits
We went to Disney World 2 weeks ago...I am just now getting back into things. It was so fun celebrating Bailey's 4th birthday at Disney World. I made a few outfits for her trip and monogrammed a few shirts as well. She loved her new clothes and themed outfits for the trip.

Minnie for the day! She has ears to match that we made together but I have those in previous posts.
I didn't make this Belle dress but wanted to share how pretty and happy she was to meet Cinderella.
We sported ponchos for two days!
Meeting Timone with her Animal Kingdom outfit on.
A night out at Downtown Disney. These pants are super easy to make...and they are so cute!
I made a few more things but the lovely ponchos covered it up...oh well! We had a great time even in the rain.
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Friday, April 8, 2011
Princess Dress Up Party...Part 2
Strawberry Birthday Cake with Pink and Purple Tutu under it. Crowns are personalized with Bailey and Abigail on them. I laminated the paper and make the crown and letters with my cricut.
Pinata made out of Bailey's Valentine's Box. I put Bailey and Abigail's names on the side.
Cake balls
Fashion Runway! I just had streamers hanging down and I made tulle pom poms to hang from it as well.
Picture in front of the castle
Bailey coming through
Princess Dress Up Party...Part 1
A few weeks ago I planned a party for my daughter and niece. We had it outside at a nearby park with a great covered pavilion. The weather was perfect - a cool 80 degrees. I enjoyed preparing all the decorations and food for their special day. My friend Karen took the pictures below...message me if you are in the Montgomery Area and want to use her. She is just starting out and is fantastic. The only thing missing at this party was Blake - he was working/traveling every single weekend in March so there was no way to plan it with him here.

The dessert table with the wooden birthday hat with Bailey's initials....I did the hat before knowing it would be a double birthday party. I hot glued the crown and added the chandelier magnets to the food tower to make it fit the theme. I bought the cute flower plates and flower pots from hobby lobby for 1/2 off! I finally found my chandelier cupcake holder at HomeGoods!
The bottle says "Happy 4th Birthday Bailey" and the other side says "Happy 9th Birthday Abigail" with a princess picture in the middle.
Pink chocolate with purple sprinkles
The cake was strawberry so I did chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting and of course...purple sprinkles.
Each princess had their own place setting with a personalized cookie.
To add some pazass to ordinary oreos I put "A", "B", "9", and "4" on them in pink icing and added purple sprinkles.
Ring cookie party favors for everyone
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