This weekend I wanted to shampoo the carpets and get them all nice and white again - the rainy week we had two weeks ago brought in mud on some shoes and paws. I had decided to do in Sunday while Bailey took her afternoon nap, but instead I decided to work in the yard and make it kid-friendly for the summer since we would be spending a lot more time out there. There was all these bushes around the storage area that made it look cluttered and old pine straw from many years ago probably. So I put on bathing suit top - no straps and some short shorts and got busy. I cleared probably 5 bushes and one tree (yes, a 6 foot tree) from around the storage shed and raked up all the pine straw. I trimmed all the low branches from the big trees in the middle of the yard as well. I started at 2 and went inside around 5:30...yes, I am sore. There is still a lot to do in the flower bed but I'm thinking of just ripping it all up and not having one at all so there isn't anything to fool with. I love flowers, but really only the ones that comes in vases or that are in other people's yards. I also want to paint the ramp to the storage, pressure wash the storage shed and dog house, and paint the dog house a really fun color. So here are my pictures!

On Friday I also had some energy. Bailey wanted to play outside so while we were playing I went to get the wagon out of storage and saw the swing my parents got at a yard sale for their swing set but it was too long so they gave it to us. We have had it for a while but never did anything about it. So I found a tree limb that would be perfect for it. I got out the 6 foot ladder, some chain, and hung it within the hour. Bailey loves it! 
you were busy busy this weekend! :O) It sounds like you enjoyed all should totally paint the doghouse a fun color! :o)