This is an outdated post because I haven't had time to upload any pictures from Easter yet. For Easter this year we went to see Blake at training in Little Rock, Arkansas. I was not going to go unless my best friend was able to go with us because I didn't want to do a 7 hour driving trip by myself in case something should happen and I needed help. Her mom and brother live in Little Rock so she would get to see them and I would get to see Blake. Well it worked out and we were both able to take off that Thursday and Friday to go for the weekend. We left on Thursday at 5:30 AM and got in Little Rock by 3:00 PM so we made good time. Bailey was such a trooper. We only stopped for gas and to use the restroom/diaper change. "Santa" got Bailey a pink traveling DVD player for the car so she watched Barney, Dora, 101 Dalmatians, Cinderella, Sesame Street Sing-A-Long, and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on the trip there and back. So she was fully entertained along with snacks, snacks, and more snacks. We saw Blake Thursday night and had dinner with everyone and then he had to go back to the dorms. I stayed with Amanda at her moms Thursday night to save money and there was a tornado that night so I'm glad I was not alone with Bailey or I would have freaked out in a hotel room. The next morning (Friday) Amanda went outside to walk her dog and the neighborhood really had some damage. Trees were snapped in two and laying in the road, roofs had a lot of damage, and fences were down. It was crazy wind damage. Then we all got ready and went to Igibon for sushi and it really was the best sushi place I have ever been wonder Amanda and Becca rave about it every time we eat sushi. We went shopping and then at 4:00 PM Blake, Bailey, and I met at the hotel for check in. The hotel was okay - there wasn't a mint on my pillow or anything but it came with free breakfast which is what I always look for because Bailey needs her breakfast and milk within the first hour of waking up. We didn't do anything too special the entire weekend but on Saturday we went to this church I found on the Internet that was having an egg hunt for all we went and Bailey got to hunt eggs and see the Easter bunny from a distance. She had a good time. This was her 3rd Easter but her first to be able to pick up eggs. They had a section for ages 1 to 4. They had probably 200 eggs in a 20 x 10 area so you could barely walk with out stepping on a plastic egg. At first Bailey didn't know what to do but then she got the hang of it. When she found out there was candy inside she really started picking them up. One of her eggs was made by Playdough and had a little bag of Playdough inside. I thought that was the coolest egg. Pictures are from the hunt and Easter morning in the hotel when she got her Easter basket from the "Easter Bunny". I ordered the bucket from Initials Inc. It was a really cute bucket but I could have made it for much cheaper.

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