Wednesday I decided to go to church after work. We went to Burger King for dinner so Bailey could play in the gigantic play area- I didn't see the need to go home for a short period of time. Blake was flying that night so I didn't have to worry about his schedule. At 7:45 PM I roll into our neighborhood and I see from a distance something new - my neighbor must have planted some new shrubbery. The closer I got I realized that it was a tree. There was a brief (meaning 5 minutes) storm that blew through Montgomery, but I didn't think anything about it because I only saw the black sky at work and no rain. The tree was hit by lightening and there are burnt marks to prove it. Blake cut up the tree yesterday and it only took him 2 hours. I was very impressed. Sorry to all the tree huggers out there but we are not saving the tree - Blake is going to demolish what is left standing tonight...and no we are not even going to replace it with another tree. 

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