Last Friday Blake left for a trip to St. Louise - he comes back today. I had plans to get a lot accomplished while he was gone but didn't get around to everything that I wanted too...what's new?! I did workout three times this week which is fabulous for me seeing as how I quit my workout schedule back in AUGUST but now I am getting back into it and I feel much better. "Exercise raises endorphins, endorphins make you happy..." - Legally Blonde. On my way back to pick up Bailey from working out Tuesday I stopped by HL (hobby lobby) and compared prices with HF (hancock fabrics)...luckily these places are side by side. HL had the better price at $10.50/yard for zebra material for curtains. I pinned them up in her room and it looks great. I could have saved money by only getting 2 1/3 yards but didn't know the exact measurements of her window so I bought 3 yards and there is a lot extra (practically a whole yard). The good part about that is i can make some accent pillows and maybe cover some canvas boards to make wall art with ribbons. Also I made a cake last night with my new cupcake pan I bought back in November. It would have been better if I got directions first before thinking I knew what to do....but it still turned out good (thanks Lauren for googling and Monica for telling me the "how to's"). I used cream cheese icing with nuts...hard to work with so it isn't as pretty as I would like. I made it for Blake since he is coming home today...I never make cakes for us so I thought what the heck and try things out with the red velvet cake mix and icing. Also I finally got around to ordering pictures this week. I went to walmart dot com and uploaded them all and they will be mailed to my house - the best part was if you had them sent to your house they were only 9 cents a picture with shipping costs, but because I ordered 200 pictures the shipping costs were cheaper than ordering in the store at 15 cents a picture. My favorite part is not having to go to the store and having them arrive next week with little effort. It also gives me a break from feeling like I need to put the pictures in albums, scrapbooks, and frames...I guess that will be next week's project after work. 

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