From my last post I said I would redeem myself with pictures of hot pink cupcakes and my first decorated sugar cookies on sticks. Well I forgot to take a picture of the cupcakes but they turned out really cute. On Thursday I finished a birthday cake, had my guitar lesson, and made cupcake icing. On Friday I baked the cookies. On Saturday I iced the cookies, baked the cupcakes, informal recruitment from 10AM -5 PM, and "Bal Masque" that night. On Sunday I iced the cupcakes and went to informal recruitment from 11:30AM -6:30 PM. It was a very busy weekend, but one that will be remembered. Some say I overdid it and had too much on my plate, but when you love what you are doing it doesn't seem like work at all. I wish I felt like this about everything and one day I hopefully God's timing.

To all my ZTA sisters out there - Theta Nu brought it. I was so proud of them. At our school greek life isn't that big so turn outs for informal recruitment are very small. They invited back 9 and 6 came to bid night! I will let you do the math on where the other 3 went among 2 other sororities. I do love being an advisor even though it takes time away from my family; although, Miss Bailey did attend her first ZTA bid night and loved it!
"Bal Masque" was really fun. Blake wore a Tux and I wore a bridesmaid's dress from my best friend's wedding back in October. The band was good, my feet were sore, and I sang to the top of my lungs to "Sweet Caroline" and "Don't Stop Believing".
those cookies are ADORABLE!! :o) CONGRATS THETA NU! Thats so AWESOME! :o) I am proud to call myself a Theta Nu sister! I wish I had the time to be involved with the alumnae stuff! :o( I'll have to find a group wherever we go! haha ZLAM!!