I remember the notes my mom occasionally would put in my lunch and she would draw a cute little picture. My mom and I had this "how to draw" book that we would occasionally do together during the week as our thing we did together. I still remember all the objects we first learned to draw and how to shade things. My mom still draws those things and shades objects on things she does for her GA's or when she is doodling on a magazine while waiting on something. Every time I see one of those pictures it brings back memories of us working together on how to draw those little pictures. My mom used to be very creative and into hobbies like stamp collections and making cards, learning sign language, sewing purses and dresses...she used to do a lot of stuff but now she is consumed with other things like helping with my brothers kids, picking up Bailey, doing church things, and now helping my dad with tasks at his job. I wonder if I will be like that? I realize now how much I am like my mom. The way I give Bailey looks when she is doing something wrong or inappropriate (the look I hated growing up). It's funny how you grow up thinking you will never be like your mom but you start seeing trends and then one morning when you look in the mirror you see her in your face. She is a remarkable woman and although we still don't see eye-to-eye on everything she is a great mom. Growing up I wished my parents were more lenient and more like the "friend parents", but my mom said, "I'm not your friend. I'm your mom. When you are older and have your own kids then we can be friends."
So my little lunch note will hopefully put a smile on Bailey's face when she goes to get her princess napkin and sees that she has a cupcake note from me. It's Friday so we are heading to the library today to get some fabulous books to read this week. Brag moment: I went to her school open house last night and the teachers told me that Bailey is the most well behaved child they have. What a compliment!