
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I'm Inspired

Unfortunately or is it Fortunate that I get inspired easily?!? The unfortunate side is I put too much on my plate, spend too much money to get started, not have time for previous hobbies, not be perfect in one thing (but "good" in everything)....The fortunate side is I learn new things and get excited about new opportunities to grow as a person. This morning I went to check out the articles yahoo posts everyday from real news to gossip and found this article:

It's about a girl (almost 30) who was laid off from her job and decided to do a project: 365 Days. 365 Outfits. $365. She would shop only thrift stores and yard/garage sales and only spend $1 on each outfit and change it up to be something wearable and stylish. I loved it! Here is her blog:

She took an unfortunate situation and turned it into her passion. I love it! It makes me want to go shopping at thrift stores and make something fabulous! "I have to say that whenever I wear my handmade pieces, I always get complimented and the best part is getting to tell everyone that I bought it for $1 and just shortened it, dyed it or cinched it to make it chic and current."

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