
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Babies, Babies, Babies

It's so exciting to have so many friends expecting children. I have a list in my prayer journal of over 17 women...and they are true friends, not just I heard someone was pregnant. Which also means lots and lots of baby showers and presents to make. I am hosting a shower this month for my sister-in-law. It is going to be a light pink and teal shabby chic shower with a photo booth and hair bow making station. I am not a big fan of games but I found this matching game online that looks fun and you give out candy bars to the winners...who doesn't love chocolate?!? Plus it does not require writing stuff down or remembering what words you can't say. OH HOW I HATE THE CLOSE PIN GAME! Please ladies let that game retire!

Brycen is 8 months old and weighs 23 pounds. He fits in 12 month clothes but we buy 18 month clothes so they last a little longer. He crawls super fast and is into everything. He broke the disk tray on our xbox a few weeks ago and tried a few pieces of dog food. He loves making a splash with Meiko's water bowl. He loves Elmo and when I went to buy him a tickle me elmo I was shocked to find that they no longer make them. They were selling on ebay for $100 USED! This past week I found a lady on facebook selling the TMX Tickle Me Elmo for $8! I was so excited. He is used but in perfect condition. Brycen loves him. We have Elmo soap, Elmo PJ's, a few Elmo books, and a few Elmo toys. I was thinking of doing a Little Monster theme for his first birthday, but there is so much to choose from these days that I haven't nailed down my ideas yet.

Bailey will be going into Kindergarten and she is very excited. We still don't know where we will be living when school starts so I am registering her here for now. We are going today to drop off the paperwork and then head to the library to turn in her weekly list of books. We are reading through the American Girl books. We finished Kirsten and we are starting on Molly. After that we will read Kit. I loved these books when I was 10 years old so it is fun to re-read them with Bailey. She follows along even without the pictures and asks a lot of questions about the characters. My favorite part of the summer is reading books every night with her because there isn't anything else going on and she doesn't have to go to bed at 8 so we have an hour to spend together since Brycen is already passed out. Brycen loves to read books too but he squeals so loud and "talks" at such high pitches that you can't hear me so we usually give up after a page or two.

Blake is waiting to hear about the job in Arkansas and if he gets it then I will be on the job hunt as well. His job is so specific that we have to move or he will have to change his career...that is Plan F. I think we are on Plan C at the moment. I hope that we can finally be settled - you know to put a nail in the wall. Ever since Blake joined the AF we got the house ready to sell...its been over 4 years of living with bare walls and not buying anything that will not pack up easily. I will hate living away from family and friends, but it will be nice to feel like I am home. Even when we move it will still be staying in boxes for a year at a rental house. I wish we could just stay here and move into our final house, but that would be too easy.

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