Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Day 13: The Core of the Problem
So I'm reading the devotional book called "The Frazzled Female: 30 Days to Finding God's Peace in Your Daily Chaos". Well this week's topic is time management which happens to be something I am great at. Anytime I find an article on time management or tips to get things done faster...I'm all on it. So Day 13 was about being too involved in things even if they are good things. So that made me think about my daily routine and things I add to it that although they are good - are they what I should be doing? I have been pretty bad about doing my quiet time in the morning/night since Blake got home because I have less time by myself and I enjoy being in his company. So this statement was attention grabbing "God does not want you to do every good thing. You must check His thinking and seek His counsel in everything you do. He alone can tell you what you need to be involved in during this time in your life." She then went on to say that every morning during her quiet time she goes over what her "to do" list is along with her schedule and prays about the things that need to be done and what is not important will be made known to her. Then in the journal part it asks: "Too many good women doing too many good things! Do you fall under the umbrella? It's so easy to get caught up in doing good things because...well, they need to be done! Free yourself from the anxiety of trying to do it all, by realizing that God never intended for you to do it all in the first place. Where do you think He's telling you to cut back?" I make "to do" lists all the time and love checking it off to show how productive I am...no one else sees the list but me. I have been adding hobbies to my life slowly one at a time...but the thing that I feel that needs to be cut is my television shows. They take away from my time with Bailey and not just me but her - she loves watching her movies as well. I feel like that is time wasted that we could be spending together. I bought a preschool workbook about 2 weeks ago and we have only done one page together - after reading this I want to get my priorities back in line and only put what is truly important on my "to do" list.
Six Flags
Bailey is wearing the shirt we got her from Six Flags with all the characters as babies and it says "Group Hug Six Flags". She had just woken up and was sitting on the potty...isn't she beautiful! I wish I was that pretty when I first woke up after sleeping 11 hours...and yes that is a Diego bandade covering up a "boo boo". 
Friday, June 26, 2009
Update on Potty Training: 2 1/2 Weeks
Well the mornings are going good - she wakes up and goes about 4-5 days out of the week and gets 1 M&M. Today I took "Easy Ups" (Pamper's version of Pull Ups & they are cheaper with DORA!) to her "School" instead of diapers. I told her that she needs to not pee in them and always go to the potty like the other boys and girls in her class. I guess I will see today how she did. Pull Ups/Easy Ups are so much more than diapers because you get half the quantity for the same price and when your toddler is going in them like they are diapers...well you go through them pretty quick. She does go about once a day on the potty during school but the other times she doesn't and when she is at home she goes about once and the other times she doesn't...we're getting there! My favorite part is when I go and she says, "Good Job Mommy!". It makes me laugh each time because she is still sitting on her pink potty with the pink cushion wondering if she is going to go or not. The worst part is when she is still sleepy in the mornings and I am sitting on the floor waiting for her to go as the clock ticks on by and I know I am going to be late for work because Bailey needed 10 minutes to pee or not pee. As long as she is potty trained by Christmas I will be happy...or next week :)
Bows, Bows, & More Bows
I have been wanting to learn to make Bailey some hair bows instead of paying $3 - $5 for one that she will get dirty or loose. I have around 8 different ribbons at home left over from different projects or for decorating a gift. There is this place in Wetumpka that offers a hair bow making class but it is during the week day and only once a month so I haven't been able to go. So yesterday I youtubed "hair bow tutorial" and there were over 10 good videos teaching you how to make a "boutique" hair bow along with many other styles. So these are my first two that I did last night. On the football one I could add a crimson ribbon(RTR), but I have a cute houndstooth pin with "M" embroidered on it to place in the middle for Bailey to wear this year. The black bow with the pink and black flowers is really cute - that ribbon is left over from the picture board I did a few months ago. I had just enough to made 1 bow with it. I'm excited because now I can make Bailey bows to match all her outfits plus there will be lots of extra ribbon for me to make for my friends little girls or to sale if I ever do a boutique. While I was making them Bailey was coloring with crayons and getting into all the ribbon spools (AKA: helping mommy).

Thursday, June 25, 2009
Cake Decorating Has Begun!

Friday, June 12, 2009
Peaches at Snack Time
Okay....so can you tell I'm bored! This is my third blog today. Blake went to pick Bailey up yesterday from school at around 2:00 PM which is the earliest he can pick her up because their nap time ends at around 2:00 PM everyday. Usually when one of us shows up she comes running to us and gives us a hug - we sign out, check the cubby hole, and go! Well yesterday Blake got there right at 2:00 and they were just passing out the snack. He walked in and Bailey said, "You sit here." She was not going to leave just as snack was getting there, so Blake sat down and waited for her to eat her snack and then they could go. I have only been there a few times when they eat, but it is amazing what they let those 2 year olds do. They have them serve their own food and pour their own drinks...then they put up their plate and throw away their napkins when they are done. How do they do it? At home Bailey still throws her sippy cup around but at school they drink out of regular glasses...she has me, her daddy, and all her grandparents thinking she can't do things when really she can do a lot more. She has us trained.
Blogging Just Got Better
So I have had all these great little photos of Bailey and random things on my phone, but I changed the password so many times that I was blocked from the photo album on the Verizon website so I couldn't get them from my email! Well yesterday I was sitting at my desk and thought...if I sent my picture to my email address just like I would someone's phone number would it go? It did! Now I'm going through old blog posts and putting pictures with what the heck I was talking about. It makes it easier on me knowing that all those great photos I took of Bailey are not wasted on my phone and I can email them to people...plus my blog looks better and more interesting when I add photos. So really I'm spending less time with pictures, but it looks like I am putting forth more of an effort! Love it! Always make it look like you are busy is what a good boss once told me...I'm A Professional at Looking Busy.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Potty Training
So last night while I was watching the first episode of the new season of Army Wives on my DVR I noticed Bailey did not have on a diaper...the daycare put her in a pull up. Not only was it not a diaper but it was a boy's pull up with "Cars" on them. I don't know if they were sending me a sign saying, "HELLO!!!! It's time you potty train your child!!!" or they could have just grabbed a blue pull up and put it on Bailey?! I will ask them about it today when I pick her up. She has Dora the Explorer Panties and a pink potty chair in the bathroom with a cushion seat, but still she has shown no real interest in going. I show her the panties but she doesn't ask for them to be on her and she likes the potty chair but doesn't do anything inside of it. So last night I put a pair of the toddler panties on her and told her to tell me if she has to go and if she goes then she gets an "M&M". I know...I'm promoting childhood obesity, but I didn't know what else to do and Kate off of "John and Kate plus 8" trained all of hers by luring them with jelly beans. So when I get a break today at work I will google "Potty Training Tips". Anyway, she was playing and pee-pee'd in her panties and that was that...she didn't even go at all in the potty. I didn't get mad because I know that only makes it worse but she got upset because she didn't get an "M&M". What to do!? More on the adventures of potty training to come...stay tuned! I guess I will be making a chart tonight for her to put stickers on it every time she goes. She loves stickers so maybe this will be a good tool.
Debating School Once Again!!!
Ugg! I don't know about school again! I have been making out the 2 year plan and going over what I want to do verses what should I do verses what am I supposed to do?!?! I can't move up with my job because of the position and yet I don't have enough experience to truly do what I want to do which is market events. So there is this event certification program opening in the Fall 2009 through Summer 2010, but should I just get an MBA in something else to open more doors?!?! I could start the Event Certification program this fall since it is not too time consuming, but I can't start back on my MBA until Blake is completely done with his degree this December because there isn't enough time for both of us to be in school at the same time...plus I still have to take that dreaded test to get into the core classes. I just wish I knew the path to take and what I am suppose to do because I'm not moving anywhere! I've been stuck for almost 2 years in the same place...HELP PLEASE! I just hate treading water! So this summer I am going to take up hobbies and read. In previous posts I put that I will learn to sew and read books that are beneficial. I also thought about learning to play guitar since a friend of ours teaches classes...why not? But that won't be until after the sewing classes are over...not too much at once but just enough to keep me busy.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Sewing Time!
Well I have been looking online for a portable but nice sewing machine to take classes with and I bought a refurbished one for $45 with only $10 shipping today on Amazon.com. I am really excited about making my own stuff! I have lots of ideas for Bailey and gifts like Aprons, blankets, window scarves, super cute luggage tags, hair bows, bags....I just can't wait to learn to follow patterns and then branch out and do my own thing. I won't be making matching sweaters for the family or anything like that, but boutique style clothing and accessories that when you see them you say to yourself, "Now I could make that!". I have a whole bunch of those moments which is why I take pictures of those things and collect them because I know I can do it myself. Plus I have the perfect model for children's clothes and everyone loves a cute homemade item at a baby shower. I'm going to take the classes soon, but I may get a jump on things and learn from a book so I'm not stuck on step 1 while people are on step 10. I will post pictures of projects as soon as they start. I guess this is my project for the summer: learn to sew.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Wow oh Wow has stuff happened!

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