Blake got home on Wednesday night. Thursday night I started feeling a little sick with a sore throat. Friday morning I went in to work for an hour and came home because I knew I was deathly ill. I went to sleep and woke up around 12 and called my parents to tell them I was not doing so good. My dad came and picked me up and took me to Pri-Med since I could not drive. I had the shakes and was aching all over with a fever and a severe sore throat. Well they did a strep test and it was positive so they gave me an antibiotic shot which felt FABULOUS and put me on amox for 10 days. They also said my tonsils were infected and swollen. Well the throat only got worse and eventually the aches went away, but not the fever. Saturday I wasn't able to eat anything and my throat was KILLING ME! I knew that I had only taken a few days worth of antibiotics but I should have been feeling better by that point so Sunday morning at 6:30 AM I told Blake to get up and lets go the ER. They tested us both for Strep and Mono and his results came back negative on both and mine were both positive...even after a shot and being on pills for 2 days it came back positive for Strep. So here I am a 24 year old with Mono who hasn't seen her husband in almost 2 months and can't even kiss him and too tired for anything else. So they gave me a steroid shot which felt even more FABULOUS than the antibiotic shot and put me on 16 days worth of some horrible tasting antibiotic to go along with the amox horse pills. But I am feeling better and started back at work today because I have zero leave saved up and LWOP won't pay the bills. So now I am settling back into normalcy after being gone for over 4 days - my inbox is full and there is was this morning waiting on me...an answer to a long overdue prayer: AUM dropped all the charges of a class that I was billed for last semester but never went to....a $600 bill gone. When that bill showed up two months ago after I damaged Blake's car it felt like things were crumbling all around me when my faith was the strongest it had ever been. I just kept praying that God would handle all of it and so far he has. I knew the money would be there or God would make things possible. So while I was "dying" over the weekend God had an email of hope sent to me to let me know that I am His and that He never will leave me. Yes there are still areas that I pray for everyday for answers but to be able to check one off feels so good! Thank you Jesus!
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