I have been wanting to learn to make Bailey some hair bows instead of paying $3 - $5 for one that she will get dirty or loose. I have around 8 different ribbons at home left over from different projects or for decorating a gift. There is this place in Wetumpka that offers a hair bow making class but it is during the week day and only once a month so I haven't been able to go. So yesterday I youtubed "hair bow tutorial" and there were over 10 good videos teaching you how to make a "boutique" hair bow along with many other styles. So these are my first two that I did last night. On the football one I could add a crimson ribbon(RTR), but I have a cute houndstooth pin with "M" embroidered on it to place in the middle for Bailey to wear this year. The black bow with the pink and black flowers is really cute - that ribbon is left over from the picture board I did a few months ago. I had just enough to made 1 bow with it. I'm excited because now I can make Bailey bows to match all her outfits plus there will be lots of extra ribbon for me to make for my friends little girls or to sale if I ever do a boutique. While I was making them Bailey was coloring with crayons and getting into all the ribbon spools (AKA: helping mommy).

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