A few weeks ago I had lunch with my sorority sister who teaches Pre-K. She loves Bailey and has been a great friend to me throughout the years and very helpful in times of need. When I mentioned we would be moving in a year and a half it brought up preschool because Bailey would not be here during that time. We wanted Bailey in her class and since she almost made the age cut this year we took a shot - no expectations just a 'maybe she might get in'. There were 2 slots open for one boy and one girl with 2 more girls to interview. I told Bailey
if she did good in the interview and answered all the questions she would get a princess doll
if she got into the new school. Well Bailey loved the new school and both of the teachers and wanted to start that day so my feelings changed to - "I hope she gets in!". A week went by and yesterday I received a phone call that she unofficially got in! I hurried to send Blake a BB message although it was 1 AM so he was sleeping and when I woke up this morning I had a message sent around 11 PM our time that said "That's awesome!" So we are both really excited about this new school and the price - ABSOLUTELY FREE! Which means we just got a $500/month pay raise! The Lord is good and will provide our needs. So last night Bailey and I went by Sonic for a Strawberry Limeade Chiller (so good!) and Toys R Us for a princess doll. Since the princess doll she liked was on the cheaper side we sprung for a large box of princess stickers and 3 new tubes of kool-aid flavored Lip Smackers chap stick. I think she might have been one of the happiest children in the world at that moment in her new Cinderella pajamas that her daddy mailed to her last week as a surprise. We seriously don't spoil her that much but this post may seem like it.

On another note my medical bracelet came in - I think it's cute. I didn't want a beaded one or anything fancy, plus with this one I can put it on my key ring or purse strap if I don't want to wear it. I think it looks normal and like a regular sports bracelet people wear. I have small wrists so I just got the large in kids.

Just for fun...Where's Meiko? I did have all the pillows fluffed up and nice, but he has a way of pushing things around to get it 'just right'.

Yay Bailey!!! Where are y'all moving to? Is Blake in the Reserves? Woo hoo for a raise! I can't wait until next July when pre-school undertakes potty-training--I will get my raise then! Cute post and cute medical bracelet. Please tell me where you go that--my MIL could use one like that!
ReplyDeleteI looked around and the best price I found was on this angel something diabetes site - they sell them for $11 I believe. Other places wanted like $15-$20 for them. It's still "unofficial" but it's J. Early's school.