I am a Zeta Tau Alpha. I pledged back in 2003 and have been an active sister since I joined. Some people ask or wonder why I still do "that sorority thing" and it's hard to describe other than I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT! Well last week was The ZTA National/International Convention was in New Orleans, LA. I had never been to NOLA and my 2 ZTA sisters (one of those being my Big Sister and Best Friend) that are also advisers wanted to go. I went to convention in 2006 and loved it so another opportunity to go was awesome, plus I needed a break from "mommy duty".
Most of our time was consumed with meetings, luncheons, and dinners in our very nice hotel downtown. It was so nice to get dressed up every day and wear fun outfits with two friends that I don't get to see much because of our schedules. I took 10 dresses (plus an entire large suitcase) as well as 11 pairs of shoes...and I wore all of them except for the athletic shoes...we ended up just walking the town for exercise in flip flops. There was 896 ZTA's in that hotel PLUS A fraternity was having their convention the exact time we were - what a coincidence! Oh if I was in college and care free I might have...oh well I don't know...maybe it's best to not think about it :) With roughly 1,800 greeks in one place those elevators were always packed - we had to go down 29 flights of stairs one time because we could never catch a ride.
Think Pink Badge Attire Day
Checking out the ZTA Exhibit - chain of chapters #182 Theta Nu link
On Friday night we were presented with the CROWN CHAPTER award for our Alumnae Chapter - this was the first time Montgomery had ever won it so it was a BIG deal seeing as how the new leaders took over 2 years ago and within those 2 years we have almost tripled in size and have done all sorts of new things to get us noticed. Then IO surprised us all with a mini-concert by DJ $krilla and the ZTA-Epsilon Chapter Sprite Step Off Winners! Both performances were awesome! And then we went out that night to celebrate on Bourbon Street (see my Disclaimer below about what I think about this city).

Night out on Bourbon Street

Mardi Gras Night

So now I am back from convention and I'm still on my "Zeta High". It's kind of like when you come back from Christian camp and you are so on fire for God except this is with ZTA. Not to say I'm not on fire for God...because I am. I had such a great time with my two friends and would not change anything in the world for the opportunity to be with them at convention!
My Disclaimer:I have to say that New Orleans is disgusting and scary and I don't know why anyone would go there for a vacation. It smelled like throw up and urine everywhere we went... and if it smelled like it then you knew it was near by and I almost stepped it when we were out seeing the "beautiful city" - that is what the people from there call it! Beautiful! Maybe one or two things were nice but if you saw it somewhere else it would probably just blend in - the reason it was nice there is because everything else was so horrid and filthy.
This was the nicest place I could find - Jackson Square
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