
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Good & Bad Car News

Blake's lease on his Honda Accord ended the same month he deployed so for the past few months we have not had a car payment (so nice!). Blake has been talking about wanting a truck now for the past 6 months but they are so expensive! I didn't realize how much trucks cost - even used ones! A few weeks ago he was searching for a truck online and he just didn't like any of them besides the ones that cost 35K+ and that isn't going to happen! On Thursday of last week he sent me a text saying he found the one he wanted. I was excited because that meant it was in our price range and had good mileage. So I said just tell me where it is and I will go look at it - long story short it wasn't a was a Mustang GT Convertible! Now first of all I am not a frivolous person and a convertible is very frivolous in my opinion. Well on Friday I went and purchased it - call me nuts but I love my husband and he now has a car he loves. After I bought it he said, "This must be what Bailey feels like when she gets a handful of chap stick and stickers." Here are a few pictures of our Mustang!

On to the bad news...I had a car accident on Tuesday...thankfully in my car and no one was hurt although I have had a horrible time dealing with it. I am a very careful person and I rarely mess up (knock on wood!). But seriously, ever since Bailey was born I don't take chances like I used to and always think of the outcome before doing anything (besides speeding...but I've changed my ways after those lovely tickets last year). Plus if you add up the time Blake has been gone since May 2008 it is a lot (16 months) so I have to responsible - there isn't room for mess ups in my life. So the one time I do not look in my blind spot there is someone coming down an off ramp and I hit her. I still get sick to my stomach when I think about it and I have had horrible nightmares since then of all the "stupid" things I have done in my 25 years of life. I wish I could erase those bad decisions but they always creep up on me and make me feel awful. But time heals all wounds I guess and I'm doing better - it was an accident and like I tell my 3 year old, "accidents happen." Here is my trailblazer's boo boos. On that note I decided to name my trailblazer "Tibby". I figure we will be together for a while and "Tibby" is a cute name for HER. I decided she should be a girl as well because us girls have to stick together.

1 comment:

  1. Brittany!
    I'm glad you and Bailey are ok from the wreck. I hate to hear that happened.
