
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Christmas Shopping has Begun

I love love love Christmas! I love thinking about the perfect gift and finding it -- especially when it is on SALE! I have already began Christmas shopping for many reasons: #1 It spreads out the finances #2 It isn't rushed so you buy exactly what you want for that person #3 Gives plenty of excuses to go shopping. I do have ONE huge problem with buying presents this early: I can't wait to give it to them! I am horrible! If I know it is something they will love and want then I want them to have is ASAP! I mean why wait, right?!? So to keep from giving the gifts I like to wrap them really cute so that it looks decorative and super cute. Also, I love to do gift themes. I like to start with one present and add to it within the price range for each person. I love Christmas so I tend to spend a lot on each sibling, parent, niece, and nephew. Blake and I don't really give each other anything and to be honest we don't get Bailey much either because she gets so much from her grandparents, aunts, and uncles that we just get one of two things to have wrapped under the tree and a fabulously filled stocking for Christmas morning. This year I have already bought her like 3 things for her stocking that she is going to love! I found a princess tin lunchbox/purse, a princess water bottle, and I pre-ordered Beauty and the Beast on DVD. Yay! I will get her one bigger present to wrap and that is it for her besides other nick-knacks for the stocking like chap stick, candy... Having grandparents that spoil your child is nice but she gets so much stuff that we don't want to add to it. Meiko also gets a present - treats, treats, and more treats....maybe even a new frisbee or ball.

Another reason I like to do my Christmas shopping early is so I can soak in the true meaning of Christmas and all the things associated with the season. I love to decorate the tree with Bailey and Blake and hang the special ornaments while listening to Christmas music and drinking hot chocolate/apple cider. I love to go to the special Christmas plays, events and parties. I love to throw one or two Christmas parties each year to see my closest friends and eat sugar filled cookies. And if you have all your gift shopping done then you have time to do all these things verses rushing around store to store finding things while dealing with the horrible traffic and scrooges out there. So yes its 95 degrees outside and I am thinking about Christmas but I love it! I am truly blessed to live in the USA and have the freedom to worship God anytime and I get the whole month of December to dwell on the month Jesus was born.


    It inspires me to get our Christmas shopping done early. You make some very good points! :)

    Aric and I do the same with Savannah as far as limiting what we get her. Last year her "big" gift from us was her forward facing car seat. The rest was little stocking stuffers and gifts from the grandparents, aunts, and uncles.

  2. You are right! Grandparents spoil! Sydney had so many guests at her first b-day party that we actually put a lot of the toys away and brought them out at Christmas. At first, I felt guilty about doing that, but like you said, she gets so much from eager grandparents and family members!
