
Thursday, October 7, 2010

This & That

I am still very excited about starting the process of owning a business but first things first - I am going to have a website on selling personalized cookies and handmade items. I want to get this process going before jumping into real estate, buying furniture, refrigerators, tables, chairs....the whole package. Plus, if the website takes off then I will make enough income to not work when we move for Blake's training in the next year. I think what I am most excited about is the possibilities...there are options and it's my ideas and my motivation that will make it happen. My best friend is so excited as well which makes it fun to bounce ideas around with her.

We are STILL redecorating (meaning my house is still in disorder...going on week 3) Bailey's room to a gymnastics/dance theme and on Tuesday we started painting the new knobs for her dresser. I wish I had a picture of us working on it together. She loved helping me and then yesterday I did all the detail work on them and she said, "Oh mommy, those are so pretty! I helped paint those." I normally opt out of messy activities with Bailey just because I avoid cleaning when I don't have to. I am trying to be better at this so I am trying to find ways for her to help decorate and be involved with her new room transformation. There are a couple more craft ideas I have in store for it that she will be able to help me with. One thing I LOVE TO DO is make something beautiful out of something used, old, or cheap. I spent $6 on 12 chunky, round, wooden knobs and a few bucks on paint that will transform her old dresser (hand-me-down from when Blake was a child) into a fantastic staple for this room.

Yesterday I went online to to look at embroidery machines - the last time I looked the cheapest one I could find was $700 which is way too much to spend on a "hobby". But for some reason those machines have gone down in price! I was so excited so I texted Blake about it while he was golfing....I wrote like a whole page of reasons I needed it, reasons it was a FABULOUS price, ways I would use it, ways I could make things for him.....on and on....I got back the infamous "ok". I then did a few little clicks and it is on the way! Then I texted 3 close friends and they were just as excited as I was - I love how girls get excited for you! I am using Christmas money to pay for it which is good for many reasons: 1) it can stay in the box until after Christmas so I do not have to be overwhelmed with starting a new hobby 2) no one can ask me to do orders during Christmas 3) I don't feel guilty for purchasing something that wasn't "needed" but really really wanted for quite some time.


  1. woohooo! You are going to LOVE it. Great idea to wait until after Christmas. I am overwhelmed already. Plus, you can still get tons of stuff done for Easter!

  2. Margie - when I asked you the other about yours it really was for a friend and then I just thought I'd take a peak at how much they were again...I couldn't pass it up. I'm excited!

  3. Exciting!! I have been looking myself, but I just can't justify it, not to mention I think I'm intimidated! Keep me updated and I will send some orders your way ;o)
