
Thursday, March 5, 2009

My Little Extreme Makeover

So lately I have been focusing on looking better. About 3 weeks ago while I was getting my pedicure done (Valentine Gift from Blake), the owner and I were talking about loosing weight...the next week I find myself going to a weight doctor for shots and appetite suppressors. I have hypothyroidism which makes it almost impossible to loose weight if your levels are off and you are lucky if you can just maintain your weight. I have been battling with it for 2 years and have had zero results. So its been 2 weeks and I have lost 5 pounds! My pants are fitting looser and my face looks thinner. It isn't easy being on a low fat diet, but I feel better without all the greasy things I used to eat. The shot will not work if you are eating fatty/fried foods. I've had people ask me about it and I can honestly say the program works and it would work even better for people without Thyroid problems. I still want to loose 15 more pounds to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight, but finally I am heading in the right direction.

Okay my next secret: I started going to this AMAZING dentist. On my first check up the dental person who cleans your teeth asked me about smoothing the front teeth out. It had always bothered me a little that the edges were not smooth, but I didn't really think about getting them fixed. I said that if it wasn't that expensive and if my insurance covered it then why not?! Well they do cover most of it so Wednesday I went in and now I can't stop smiling! They look so perfect! It cost as much as buying an outfit, but it will last forever and since I'm not buying clothes until I loose all my weight...I went for it. It still feels funny when I look in the mirror - it wasn't a huge change, but I can see it and that's all that matters. You might be seeing me in teeth commercials...just kidding.

I mean who knew all this stuff existed?! I could have lost weight a long time ago instead of battling with it and I could have had perfect teeth if any of my previous dentists would have mentioned it. They say plastic surgery is contagious and I believe it because I am like wondering what else I can get fixed that I don't like...not really, because I don't have the money and I don't want botox or fat injected to my lips - plus surgery can be very scary. So I'll update on my weight progress. I'm hoping to loose just a couple more pounds before Blake comes home for Bailey's Birthday Party.

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