
Friday, March 27, 2009

Lego Game

I so was not going to say anything about this game I made up (Susan came up with an alt. version), but it was fun and I don't have time to get a with this economy no one would buy it. So last night Susan came over to watch Grey's. Bailey was not in the best of moods - probably because she wasn't able to play outside all day because of the rain and she is still adjusting to her new class at school. Well Bailey goes to bed at 8 which is when Grey's starts so from 6:30 - 8 she wanted to play. She has two sets of legos: really chunky and chunky. She loves it when I build her things and then she puts her littlest pet shop animals on them. Well this is how I thought of the game....the suspense is killing you isn't it?!? So in order to keep Bailey happy and ourselves entertained I told Susan to make something out of the legos as fast as she could. So first I said "umbrella" and she made it. Then it was her turn and she told me to make a toilet. It went on for a little while: bowl, hairbrush...Then Susan said "Okay, I've got an idea...I will make something and you have to guess what it is." That is why props go to her for the alt. version. She made a toucan and I made a that time Grey's was about to come on and Bailey was off to bed. But I was could make cards that say what to make and divide into teams or just 2 people and play. You could have a race between two teams to make the object and the first team that guessed would win. It would be like pictionary, but with legos! Kids would love it and even adults. Legos are for every age! I also have this really good idea about a game you play in the car, but I'm saving that one!

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