
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Change In Schedule

Today is day 4 of Pre-K and my how our schedules have changed. What I thought would be the worst schedule imaginable along with battling school traffic has turned into a breeze! I was so worried about this new schedule and Bailey loving her new school but there wasn't anything I could do about it - I felt so hopeless so about 2 weeks ago I just surrendered to God saying "I can't be in control anymore and I will stop trying to control EVERYTHING - Lord just take my life and fix it." So Sunday my stomach was in knots because I knew my schedule would be awful and it would be like that for 6 weeks (until Blake came home). So Monday came around and the traffic was honestly - just normal. I got to her school with plenty of time and made it work just 5 minutes late (I thought it would be 15 minutes late every morning). AND then when I went to pick up Bailey the teacher said that she could stay until 3:15 PM to give my M-I-L time to get there after work on Wednesdays and Thursdays (I thought I would have to leave work and go get her and then meet my M-I-L and then go back to work and make up the time lost for the 15 minutes that morning and the 30 minutes that afternoon.). If I would have planned this out it would have been so screwed up but God knew a better for me and my family. Also, I have more time in the mornings to get ready or sleep a little bit more, I'm driving less everyday, and I get home earlier than I used to since Bailey is already at home when I get off work. God has truly blessed us. To some people a change in schedule may not sound big but to me that is what I cling to when Blake is gone. A schedule keeps my life in balance because I know what I am suppose to do daily and when you take that away I feel like I'm loosing it. Also on Fridays since I get off early to pick up Bailey we are going to do "Library Fridays". I just loved going to the library on base so I looked up a library close to our home or her school and there is one 5 minutes from her school in the downtown area. Also, Bailey just loves her new school and teacher, Miss Jessica - so I am so thankful for that. More fabulous news: I went to the Haematologist yesterday to go over my lovely genetic disorder (see from a few posts ago) and he was like "no biggie - just deal with it". It isn't a BIG deal like my thyroid doctor made me believe - when he told me he acted like I had 6 months to live and freaked me out completely, but it isn't a big deal and I just have to be aware of it and make sure I write it on my medical records. So this has been a fabulous week - my stress level went from 9 to 2 on a scale of 1-10.

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